Job Application Form
A beautiful sunset
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A beautiful sunset
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Personal Details
Name: Mr Ms Surname: Nick Name:: Tribe:
Branch: Position: Date of Birth Age:
Address by province Census: District Village::
Current address to province: District Village: Unite: Formal Address:
Marital Status: Single, Married, Divorce, Other Son/Daughter Have, Haven't, Amount: Person
Mobile Number: Email/Line ID :
Education level School Name Entrance year Graduated year Major Degree Inward Outsite
High Diploma
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degrees
PhD Degrees
Work Experiences
No. Company Name Position Salary Period Resign Date Cause of Resign
Contacted Person
Name: Mr Ms Surname: Relationship
Phone Number: Present address contacted: Office

1. Certificate Lao or English, other languages:

A beautiful sunset

2. Scores Lao or English, other languages

A beautiful sunset

4. Family registration or ID card:

A beautiful sunset
  1. Attachment must be a file.pdf or image(.png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .webp) only.
  2. Applicants must attach the following attachments in order to be considered.
I hereby certify that the above statements are correct and true, and if the Company later learns that this is not true, I agree to terminate the Company immediately without prior notice and without any immediate compensation